Thursday, December 4, 2008

tagged by Hwa

Those who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.# Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.
1) Name of the person you tagged:
- fufu
- fiona...(again??)haha,no choice
- isaac~~
- laopo(if u ever notice)

2) Describe yourself in one word ??
panda-like...haha,consider tat a word??

3) Who will you pick,someone who really love you or someone you love?
will i ever met someone lidat??cc tat time lo~~haha!!

4) Have you ever love someone but never had the courage to tell?
i had courage,no chance~~wakaka!!

5) How if people reject your confessions face to face?
i wun do tings lidat,come 2 think of it,wat for do tat if u no u dun stand a chance
ad,i wun make any confessions!!so....skip~~!

6) God is giving you just 5 more minutes before going back to heaven, if you love someone special, what will you say to that person?
thanks for giving me a chance 2 no wat love is....

7) What will you say to a person who doesn't want to believe you?
hng!!!ur choice,but dun blame me if anyting bad happens

8) Was there ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?
yea,but the word tried means not successful,haha

9) Do you have someone special with you all the time?
special 2 me or wat?yea,haha,av1 is special

10) Long distance love?
never bliv in it,i never even loved b4,wakaka!!

11) Best place to cry?
in an isolated place,a hill mayb?where i can see the view n release all my feelings

12) Who do you love the most?
My family n my frenz

13) Ever hated someone so bad?
how bad r u talking about?yea

14) The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
how m i going 2 know if it hurts anot as im the 1 who lied?haha,duno?no....?wun
hurt any1 with a lie

15) The last person you had beer with?
my dad.wen i was 6,wakaka,its jus a sip,then mak me realise tat i dun like tat drink!!

16) The last person you went to the movies with?
my family members~~

17) The last person you talked on the cell phone with?
my family members~~bout family matters of cos,wakaka!!

18) The last person you hugged?
a baby..hehe!!

19) The last person you yelled at?
my bro~~haha

20) In the last week, have you kissed someone?
a baby!!yeah!!

21)Think of the last time you were angry, why were you angry?
erm......forgot,cos my bro dun wana pick up the phone?haha

22) If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
erm......can let it happen again??i will b different,haha(wat was i talking about...)

23) If you could have an all expense paid trip, where would you go?
duno,2 many places nie~~hard 2 choose!!haha

24) What reminds you most about her/him ?
things tat he made for me,his name.....his sms,cards.....a lot

25) What/who would be the hardest thing/person for you to give up on?
my family members n frens

26) Five facts about me
- hard 2 b serious
- noisy
- very dark eye shadows
- lazy
- couldnt care less

27) Four things that scare me
- worms n undead insects
- betrayal
- wen my dad gets angry,tat will b my nightmare,as it never happen b4
- wen some1 i cnt say no to ask me 2 do something im not willing 2!!

28) Last movie you watched
The Reaping,on HBO,the bone collector b4 tat,haha

29) 3 of your favourite colours
black n white!!n......light brown??

Friday, November 28, 2008

belated wishes,haha~~

well...its holiday now,
but im not enjoying it!!
ive got a sketch,loads of homeworks of every subject i can think of,tuitions+homeworksSSS,and the bio tingy(this i know isaac has more 2 do...pity him^^) ~~
n....ive wasted a lot of time,i did nothing this 2 weeks,nothing!!
ive even forgotten the touch of the pens,books..
i doubt myself if i still remember how 2 write properly...hehe^^
except ive watched 2 series of japanese drama,on9 chitchat,crap......
haiz...well~~who cares~~just let procrastination continue 2 take control of me~~wakaka!!

ehemm....well,23rd of Nov...
important day for me,my bday~~!!
00.00am sharp my cousins n my bro celebrated v me with BREAD N MAYONISE on top!!
n with MCD oso la,love them~~got tat lovely mayonise facial in the middle of the night,thanks 2 them....haha

me n my cousin bro~~

on 23rd,went out v my family members,
but din tak any pictures....
at nite,it was celebration v my old gang...haha,
mei e was my driver~~love her!!
we went 2.....some place i duno,u guys sure no tat i hav no sense of direction de la~~haha
here is some pictures

me n yanyan~~

me n sinsin~~

me n mei e(my driver tat nite)

38 yan

me n the boys,surprised wen jeanling showed up

yan n mei e!!

then me n mei e again~~muakaka!!
actually i wanted 2 tak pictures of the place,but,was having fun n busying eating until forgot
the design is very cute,with toilet bowl as seats,
wish tat i could show ya~~haha,2 bad...

on monday which is 24th of Nov,
went 2 school2 hav maths xtra class,but was busy talking v wei xuan about movies so...
time flies!!^^
after tat i followed fu them 2 cm's secret recipe,
had tomyamkung,mushroom soup,creamy~~n a slice of chocolate fudge,
forgot 2 tak pictures again~~muahaha!!
i will take tat as a belated celebration~~
thx guys!!

here r my 18th bday presents from frens~~

tis is from fu n hwa~~lov ya guys~~

frog n strawberry is from peng~~thx~~

card n a shirt from mei e n the gang~~haha

n lastly,thx 2 those who wished me hapy bday~~
thx 4 remembering it,it meant a lot 2 me,kiki~~
bibi,mimi,kingkong n wenwen!!
thx for the relireli belated wishes yesterday,
its all bcos of wenwen's call,
we shud do tat often,haha

on 25th,went 2 isaac's uncle's shop
2 do the quadrat sampling,insects' frame,n...wat else a?
forgot ad la....
it was from morning till evening,
thanks 2 isaac's popo who prepared louxvfan 4 lunch~~
i never liked louxvfan till then,haha

it was raining wen we did the quadrat sampling,in fact,
i dun even no wat im doing,haha,cos of the mosquitoes!!
curse them!!they had me warded for a week wen i was in standard6
haiz..... time~~

isaac searching for datas on the the look on his face!!

our collection~~

me n chernmin duno doing wat,haha...

papa in shorts,scratching his leg becouse of some insect bites he got from his johor trip...haha

me...staring at the cat's butt,haha not the one who took all these pictures tat day,
its CK who did it,whoever tats not satisfied make sure u got the right person 2 blame,haha

Thursday, November 20, 2008










Friday, October 31, 2008


乐观与忧愁:射手座人的内心不是外表看上去那么乐观的,因为喜欢看的远,容易担忧的事情也就多,在他们的字典里,即使现在好,也不一定代表未来好,有时候很多人觉得很好的一个工作或一个伴侣,他们很轻易的就会放弃掉,可能只是因为一个毫不起眼的小原因。所以,这样的外在表现,就让人们觉得他们不喜欢被某件事情或某个人束缚住,追求自由的,没有压力的感觉。现实:常说射手座是追求梦想的人,但往往忽略了他们现实的一面,算计起来不会比处女座差哦,只是更高明更隐藏罢了。射手座人的梦想是必须建立在现实的基础上的,一般他们很少谈及自己的梦想,而是实际的去做一些向梦想靠拢的事情。如果可以借巧力完成的事情,决不会多花一点工夫。所以有时候射手座也容易给人耍小聪明的感觉。可是,不得不承认他们完成的还满不错。也许终其一生,他们都在考虑怎么巧妙的做一些事情,花最少的精力去达到最好的效果。所以,很多射手座看上去让人们会觉得很懒,但是其实他们的大脑可没有停下过思考现实的事情。 拒绝低俗:几乎所有的射手座内心都是骄傲的,其程度绝不亚于狮子座。只不过他们不会显现在脸上,外在的表现总是随和的,恰当的。可是内在有着极强的自尊心,敏感也情绪化。因为射手座人心中是骄傲的,所以他们拒绝低俗不喜欢任何俗气的、粗鲁的事或人。如果可以,他们希望一切有关的事物,都是优雅的、高尚的,值得品味的。而真正能让他们觉得值得交朋友或谈恋爱的人是很少的,虽然表面上他们是很随和的。 多情:很多人说射手座多情,尤其是男性。其实在射手座人的心目中,对于爱情确实有理想化的倾向,和他们谈恋爱,是一件高难度的事情。他们非常讨厌俗气的人,所以你不能很物质或喜欢谈钱,但是他们又很现实,所以你不能一文不名,各方面也必须有一定的实力。物质与精神,你必须平衡的刚刚好,才让他们觉得你值得去爱。或者,你有足够的神秘感,可以让他们不知道你的缺点在哪里,而盲目的爱你。一般,当然是没有完美无缺的人的,所以,可能象金牛座这样永远会让射手感觉捉摸不透的闷闷的人,会非常吸引他们;或者象双子那样,足够机智,懂得察言观色,捕捉他们的情绪,才会让他们感觉到爱情的甜蜜。一般射手的感情模式是,第一阶段,你们还不熟悉,他(她)爱上了你,非常热情。第二阶段,你们逐渐熟悉,而他(她)开始龟毛,整天挑剔你的毛病,无论是背地里还是当面。如果你有幸通过他(她)的挑剔过程,基本挑剔出的毛病为零或者你把缺点保密的非常好;那么进入第三阶段,他们就又是忠诚和热情的爱人了。但是基本能通过第二阶段的人非常少,所以有了射手多情一说。其实射手对恋人的挑剔,是源于对爱情的挑剔,对丧失自由感的恐惧。 射手座人的人生,往往是幸运的,因为他们是聪慧的、明朗的、通透的。与众不同,也许是他们终生追求的梦想,希望每一个射手人,可以找到他们的梦想! 人人都说射手座是感情的骗子,对爱情不尊重,只追求片刻的快感,是花心与冲满欲望的象征。朋友们…你们了解射手座最真实的一面吗? 射手座是大孩子,天真与善良,遇到爱情时,可能让人感觉不认真,付出的比谁都少。可是,知道吗?射手座很想爱,却也很怕爱!刚开始他们只是慢慢的付出,谨慎的爱,好怕自己会受伤。可是在一句一句的爱,一天一天的相处下,射手座把带刺的防备丢掉,开始不顾一切的去爱他们所爱的人,在别人眼中,只是射手座为了达到某种目的而作的行动。可射手座不介意,他会在自己幸福的想象中陶醉,希望对方能感受自己的爱,想对方觉得与自己一齐是幸福的。 在射手座爱上了一个人,他会把自己放到最后。有苦自己承担,可能会因为吵了一场小架而不开心,却也是最快认错,无论谁的错,他们都会包容知道吗?射手座会因为深爱一个人而原谅他的背叛,会因为你的一句话付出很多。他们爱玩,在玩的同时,也希望把那一份好心情带给你,射手座是乐观的。 人们总觉得射手座的世界很快乐,可是呢?射手座难过时没有人知道,他不想让别人可怜自己,射手座不坚强,可是很善良。在你难过时哄你开心,让你有依靠,分手后,他会哭者去想属于你们俩幸福的回忆,也不想爱的人因为同情而勉强和他一齐。他比谁都希望自己爱的人快乐幸福,却常常忽略了自己,全身都是伤也笑着告诉你,我很好不用担心。在所有人看到他的笑容以为他没事,却不知道失恋对射手座有多大伤害,华丽的外表下有一颗脆弱的需要别人了解和安慰的心。知道嘛?你的一点关心,心思细腻的射手座会记得你对他的好把自己的爱毫无保留的送给你,射手座是不被了解的,可他们不会怨谁。他们会傻傻的认为,让我承担吧,别让别人也受到伤害。所以,不要让快乐的射手座痛苦,别让他们最有魅力的笑容成为掩饰痛苦的伪装,认真爱射手座。你会知道射手座的爱,是充满泪水的…

Saturday, October 25, 2008


its untitled,
coz i duno wat 2 put,
2 my laopo....
yes...i tink u no who im talking about,
haha...but i miss u 2~~

sometimes we fall in love by the 1st sight
sometimes we dont
sometimes we dont even no tat person exist
som1 around us tells us about him/her
or wen he/her tries 2 catch ur eye
wen he/her did smtg tat touches u deeply
wen he/her has some inner character which attracts u
wen he/her has a very cute attitude
wen he/her share the same hobby or common like/dislikes as urs
we din appreciate him/her until we lost them....
we din appreciate him/her until 1 day,u feel weird n lonely...
then only u realise,i din receive any massage
i din get any morning greetings as ussual....
i wun get to see the massage n say....haiz...the same ques avday but smiles softly
then u will no,
u shoudnt hav let go
now u missed the shoulder 2 cry on
u should have hold tight 2 it,
wen u had a chance 2 do so........

so people...
dun mak any choice that will mak u regret.....
u may think that its not so important 4 that moment,
but the next second,
u may loss ur way
n u may never find the same thing 2 replace it
u may never recover,
wenever u r alone....darkness in ur heart will swallow u
nah......not that serious mayb...
fear the consequences people!!

btw...if u r not capable 4 it,
dont tak it.....

thanks frens....
no matter wat u say....
that pain will leave a scar....
haha,but let it b...
let me remember it,
cause i need the memories.....

Friday, October 24, 2008

i had a chance.....

i missed my chance....
i hate myself....
the feeling of regret is filling up inside me....
y din i take it seriously??

i had a chance,
i decided not to take it....
i have 2 b responsible 4 tat....
nobody forced me,im the 1 who decided not to....
i will never 4get tis lesson,

whenever im depressed,
u will appear in my mind,
i miss u....n im sorry...
i made that choice....
sorry...2 u...n 2 me....

nowadays ppl around me r having that look
that unhappy faces bother me,
what else can i do if i din join in?haha...
kiding la....
i will find my way,
i wana study!!
i wana score!!
2.8 HURTS!!
n im going 2 take the exam seriously!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

no mood a......

damn....wat happened?
ive forgotten wen i started being like tis....
i hav no mood 2 do anyting except playing n fooling around,wasting my time...
i really wanted 2 study,i planned 2 start during my holiday de la....

anyway,speaking of holiday~~
i really enjoyed wasting time~~
me n my dear family members went 2 the organic park,
dun ask me where its located,
i have no idea~~

the entrance~~

the pond~~full of fishes,but theres oni 1 type of fish...haha

all the way i saw dragon fruit plants oni....
then....we reached a pondok,n i took some pictures,hehe....

my cute family members....

n all the greeneries....


tis place is damn romantic~~
plus.....they dun hav the workers around the area~~

tings like....

n tis is wat they called.....一朵鲜花插在牛粪上。。。。。wakaka!!
n of cos im the shit n the flower is the "hua" la~~

i dare not 2 post the other pictures of my cousins without their permission,
u gotto know...they r way better than me in front of the camera....haha
n they have tis flower shop....quite big oso,but we din go in,nobody is interested....

n tis....i duno wats the 'giraffe' doing here,

we had our dinner there,
the restaurant....

waited 4 quite some time,
n here comes the drinks~~
its all dragon fruit juices,no choice,they hav oni tis other than coke,pepsi,n mineral water.....

the original one is tasteless.....but smells good,
mine is with milk,not bad,very fresh....haha

nice?its was accidentally done~~

the fish is big in size o~~
crispy~~sour~wakaka!! the organic shop...
tis is wat we did... my bro~~

my cousin,chuin~~


my bro....

tis slow cooker damn cute~~

n so is my baby neice,tongtong~~

now here is the growing stage of the dragon fruit~~
1.the flower bud...


3.staring 2 grow into fruits...


5.starting 2 grow red...

6.the fruit~~yumyum~~soft n sweet....

7.the whole plant

then,the steps of making coconut drinks~~

1.pluck it n carry it into the house....(little helper--pupu~~)

2.find a place n open it n pour the juices out

3.cut it into half

4.scratch the flesh out

5.the drink~~^^

breakfast+lunch++dinner....on Hari Raya

our neighbours keep sending food~~such good neighbours~~
tis is the 1ST ROUND oni,there r 3 more families who sent us the malay food~~

well....after my sweet sweet holidays....
school starts....back 2 the 38 life in class....
doing the normal 38 things as usual...

n fufu~~~~

last is fifi~~my darling.....

i duno wat happened...but hope u can get thru it asap~~
lov ya~~